Sen. Kelly Statement on National Guard Deployment

Today, Arizona Senator Mark Kelly released the following statement regarding Governor Doug Ducey’s announcement to declare a state of emergency at the border and deploy the National Guard:

“There is a crisis on the border and I have pushed the administration for the additional resources, staffing, transportation, and the testing necessary to provide a secure, orderly process that does not fall on Arizona communities. 

“In visiting the Yuma Sector and speaking with Border Patrol and other local leaders, it’s clear that their resources and staffing are strained. There are important missions that the Arizona National Guard can perform at the border and the governor calling them up will provide assistance to both local law enforcement and the Department of Homeland Security. 

“I will continue working with the Governor, Border Patrol, and local leaders to secure the resources necessary for a response that prioritizes safety and public health.”

Earlier this month, Senator Kelly made his second trip to the southern border, visiting Yuma where he met with local leaders including Mayor Doug Nicholls and toured Border Patrol operations with Sector Chief Chris Clem. Kelly first visited the southern border in January during a state work period trip, touring the Douglas Port of Entry with CBP Director of Field Operations Guadalupe Ramirez, Area Port Director Jeffrey Wilson, and Mayor Huish. 

Kelly successfully worked to secure $110 million in the COVID-19 relief bill to reimburse local governments and organizations assisting at the border. Kelly continues to push the administration for the resources necessary for a humanitarian response at the border that prioritizes safety and public health, speaking most recently with Secretary Mayorkas over the weekend about staffing needs at the border.
