WATCH: Cindy McCain Confirmed to United Nations Food Agency Ambassadorship After Senator Kelly Calls for Unanimous Consent of the Senate

Today, Cindy McCain was confirmed to her post as Ambassador to the United Nations Agencies for Food and Agriculture after Arizona Senator Mark Kelly asked for the Senate’s unanimous consent for her confirmation. 

Sen. Kelly rises to ask and receive unanimous consent on Cindy McCain’s nomination to the UN Agencies for Food and Agriculture. 

For the video of Kelly’s floor remarks, click HERE.

For a transcript of the remarks, see below: 

Sen. Kelly: Madam president, in Arizona we’ve always admired Cindy McCain’s dedication to service and to our country. I know she believes deeply in the power of America to promote peace, security, and health around the world, which will serve her and our country well in her next position. So I ask unanimous consent that the Senate consider Calendar Number 457 and that the Senate vote on the nomination without intervening action or debate. 

Presiding Officer (Senator Sinema): Is there objection? Without objection. The clerk will report.

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